Featured Nation: Cuba
This panel takes an in-depth look at the history and the current challenges and opportunities for LGBT civil rights in Cuba.
LGBT Elder Initiative
Ada Bello was born in Cuba and has traveled to Cuba several times. She was a founding member of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Homophile Action League, and she participated in the Annual Reminders at Independence Hall.
Cuban National Center for Sex Education
Mariela Castro, Director of the Cuban National Center for Sex Education (CENESEX), is the leading advocate for LGBT equality in Cuba. Ms. Castro is married and the mother of three children. She serves on international committees involving sexual issues and has published 13 scholarly articles and nine books.
Wilfred Labiosa is a public health professional with experience serving Latinos, the LGBT community and other disenfranchised communities. He is a board member of Acceso, an organization building friendship between Cubans and Americans.
Center for Democracy in the Americas
Sarah Stephens is Executive Director of the Center for Democracy in the Americas. A longtime human rights advocate, she previously worked at the Center for International Policy, where she founded the Freedom to Travel to Cuba campaign.