National Sports Panel
This panel explores the challenges facing openly LGBT athletes in college, amateur, and professional sports.
GForce Sports
Brian Kitts is a Managing Partner of the You Can Play Project and a Board Member of GForce Sports, two organizations promoting equality for LGBT athletes. He teaches sports management at the University of Denver.

You Can Play Project
Patrick Burke is a Cofounder of the You Can Play Project, which promotes respect for LGBT athletes in sports. A scout for the Philadelphia Flyers, Burke is a dedicated straight ally in the fight for equality.

Br{ache the Silence Campaign
Nevin Caple is a former college basketball player and Founder of the Br{ache the Silence Campaign, created to advance LGBT inclusion in intercollegiate athletics and stop high school bullying.

Penn Athletes and Allies Tackling Homophobia (PATH)
Jason Magnes is a junior at University of Pennsylvania and a member of the Penn Tennis Team. One of two out male varsity athletes at Penn, he is the leader of the student group PATH.
Princeton University
Lee-J Mirasolo is an Assistant Coach for the women’s ice hockey team at Princeton University. An out player in high school and college, Mirasolo is an advocate for athlete openness in all sports.
Adelphi University
Brandon Stoneham is an openly gay Division 1 soccer player at Adelphi University. By telling his coach and team that he’s gay, Stoneham joins a growing number of student athletes who are, in his words, “redefining normal.”