National Religious Colloquy
Thursday, May 3, 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
The panel explores activism in Roman Catholicism for LGBT inclusiveness and push back from the Vatican.

Dr. Elizabeth Linehan (Panelist)
Associate Professor
Saint Joseph's University
Dr. Elizabeth Linehan is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Saint Joseph's University, where she serves as Co-Chair of Alliance, which supports tolerance and respect around issues of sexual orientation in the Catholic Church.

Reverend Eileen McCafferty DiFranco (Panelist)
St. Mary Magdalene Community
Eileen McCafferty DiFranco is the first female priest to preside at Dignity Philadelphia. Reverend DiFranco serves as a Pastor at the St. Mary Magdalene Community.

Michael Rocks (Panelist)
Catholic Organizations for Renewal
Michael J. Rocks, a former President of Dignity Philadelphia, has been active in the local Catholic Organizations for Renewal, a coalition of dissenting Roman Catholic groups in the Philadelphia area.