National Legal Panel
LGBT civil rights are advancing culturally, politically and legally. Leading law professors and litigators examine the status of Prop 8, DOMA and other ground-shattering legal challenges to overturn LGBT discrimination.
A joint partnership between Equality Forum and the National Constitution Center.
Promoting Sponsors: Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia (GALLOP), Mazzoni Center Legal Services, Philadelphia Bar Association’s LGBT Rights Committee.

Willliams Institute
Jennifer C. Pizer is the Legal Director for the Williams Institute at UCLA. Pizer co-authored California’s domestic partnership law. She frequently advises federal, state and local policymakers on LGBT issues.
Yale Law School
William N. Eskridge Jr. is the John A. Garver Professor of Jurisprudence at Yale Law School. He has written extensively on statutory interpretation, constitutional law, and the rights of sexual and gender minorities

Columbia University
Katherine Franke is a Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Gender & Sexuality Law at Columbia Law School. She is among the nation's leading scholars on the intersections of feminist, queer, and critical race theory.

Lambda Legal
Hayley Gorenberg is the Deputy Legal Director for Lambda Legal. She is lead counsel in Lambda Legal's New Jersey marriage equality case. Gorenberg advocates, writes and speaks widely on cutting-edge civil rights topics.

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD)
Janson Wu is a Staff Attorney at GLAD. He has worked on a variety of successful cases involving transgender rights and is litigating GLAD’s cases challenging the Defense of Marriage Act.