14th Annual James Wheeler National Youth Panel
Dedicated to the memory of gay teen poet Jim Wheeler, this panel focuses on the issues facing LGBT youth and families.
After the panel, Zach Wahls will be signing copies of his new book, "My Two Moms: Lessons of Love, Strength, and What Makes a Family." For more information, click here.

Yale University
Katherine Miller was near the top of her class at West Point when she resigned from the academy, citing "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell." Miller transferred to Yale and received a Point Foundation scholarship.

University of Michigan
As the first openly gay Student Body President at University of Michigan, Chris Armstrong was harassed by the state’s Assistant Attorney General, who was fired from his position after Armstrong filed a lawsuit against him.

Zach Wahls, the son of lesbian parents, was propelled to national attention with a video of him testifying before the Iowa House Judiciary Committee about a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in Iowa. Click here to see the video of Zach Wahls testifying.