Elected LGBT Officials Panel
This panel of both recently elected and seasoned politicians discusses the challenges, opportunities and expectations facing openly gay government officials.
A joint partnership between Equality Forum and the National Constitution Center.

Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund and Institute
Jeff Spitko is Chief Marketing Officer at the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund and Institute. He is responsible for overseeing the organization's brand identity, marketing strategy, outreach initiatives, signature events and media relations.

Pennsylvania House of Representatives
A Pennsylvania State Representative since 2006, Mike Fleck is the first openly gay lawmaker in the state and the only out Republican in the nation currently sitting in state legislature.

Holyoke, Massachusetts
In 2012, at age 22, Alex Morse was elected Mayor of Holyoke, Massachusetts, making him the city's youngest mayor ever. He is also the country's youngest openly gay mayor. Morse is the Founder of Holyoke For All, the city's first LGBT nonprofit organization.

Pennsylvania House of Representatives
In 2012, Brian Sims was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, making him the first out elected LGBT Pennsylvania legislator. He is an attorney and a civil rights advocate, and he was the only openly gay NCAA football captain.

Maryland House of Delegates
Mary Washington, PhD, was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2010, becoming the first openly lesbian or gay African-American elected to public office in Maryland. She is one of eight openly LGBT members of the Maryland General Assembly and was a leader in the state's passage of marriage equality in 2012.